Here's a little [too much] about me.
Chelsea is a proud farmgirl from the edge of nowhere in southern Idaho. She studied musical theatre in college (and has over seventy productions under her belt), but her career path didn’t lead to her childhood dream of Broadway. Instead, she found herself using those performing and speaking skills as a professional teacher of religion. (Though her creative outlet is to put those skills into action as a wild dance fitness instructor, much to the chagrin of her embarrassed children.)
Chelsea was the youngest person ever hired to be a released-time seminary instructor for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Idaho and Utah. She put full-time work on hold to be home with her three littles, but she never stopped seeking for ways to study and teach the gospel. She's been an Institute of Religion instructor for the Church and an Especially for Youth session director since 2009. LDSLiving (print and online) has featured several of her writings, and she is a repeat guest on the Deseret Book podcast, Sunday on Monday. She has spoken at BYU Women's Conference about religious belonging and on supporting others in their individual faith journeys.
She geeks out about ancient Jewish scripture, language, and culture, which landed Chelsea in a five-year program studying Biblical Hebrew through the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She also completed the Hebraic Context of the Bible certificate program from Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.
Decades ago, her passion for the culture and covenants of ancient Israel—coupled with her Latter-day Saint studies and teaching experience—inspired Chelsea to study the Festival of Passover. She has since created an authentic Passover Haggadah and DIY packages where she guides groups through a Jewish service while (respectfully) presenting suggestions for various Christian connections.
Chelsea knows what it is like to not fit the stereotypical and ideal religious mold. Her experience includes trauma; mental and physical illness (including major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, and food addiction); mixed-orientation marriage, LGBTQIA+ issues, divorce, single parenthood; mixed-faith marriage and co-parenting; fighting to stay in her faith when everything around her is saying to leave.
Chelsea's goal is to help those who don't feel like they fit to:
(1) know they are enough to the Lord and that He meets them where they are
(2) embrace their unique ways of loving and living the gospel
(3) lean into the Savior's power to heal and help.
She wants all members of this community to go away feeling seen, supported, and strengthened.
You belong. You're not in this alone—we've got you.
And more importantly, He's got you.